In the world of Social Media, Twitter only ranks second to Facebook in terms of usage and the amount of people on the network. No matter your social media strategy or plan we can all agree that twitter is an essential component we cannot ignore. From hashtags to planned trending topics, twitter, thanks to its real time update provides answers fast. If you hire a social media manager to handle your twitter account, in 2 days you can go ahead with making the decision to retain or fire that person because if he’s good at it, it will show and vice versa. There’s loads of inherent benefits available to the fashion industry through twitter and the smart designers have already signed up. I will be sharing my knowledge of how to efficiently use twitter to get the best results with minimal effort/time spent.
- Username: The Same amount of time and dexterity you applied in naming your label should be the same with your effort at your twitter handle. Most times its best if you use your brand/label name e.g Burberry’s is @Burberry. This makes your easier to find by customers and fans who are not sure of your twitter handle. If your brand name is already taken, you can try contact the user and see if you can persuade him or her to give it either freely or if you must pay some money. do it!
-Bio: Before i follow people i always read their bios. Its best to keep your bio catchy and short also add your contact deets -could be customer care email- in them so people can easily reach you outside twitter.
- Tweet: If you’ve finally signed up for twitter the next thing to do is tweet…however if you are to busy to tweet all the time you might want to make sure that when you tweet, its something relevant that adds value to your followers and would get you rt’s all through the day.
Best to tweet with # tags to key words for relevancy in searches. You can also keep track of several interesting topics in your field by searching with the # tag whenever you get the chance to log in, this way you can join the conversation or rt it to your followers.
- Follow: Make sure you search out the relevant people in your industry on twitter. I used to go through magazines and get names of people who thought were influential, and would search for them on twitter.The next step after following these people is to engage them subtly not only so they can follow you but also you can get some Klout by engaging in coversations with them.
Avoid the typical “now following bla bla..ff back” instead rt and tweet intelligently albeit with a dose of humor.In no time these influential people would take notice of you and follow back.
Follow some customers who interact with you regularly as well and you could also use the photosharing option to let other customers know who just bought what or the latest stock etc.
- Strategy to grow followers: Give out discounts on twitter to followers and always announce special offers to your twitter followers as well so they feel as they are being rewarded constantly for following.
Engage your followers, ask them questions, show them samples and seek their opinions. Make them know your twitter account it not handled by a robot by giving it an interactive feel.
Summary of Key Points
- Catchy username and bio
- Provide contact details for outside twitter communication
- Follow important people in your sector and engage them subtly and intelligently.
- Tweet value and add hashtags to key words.
- Engage customers and offer those smart enough to follow you rewards in form of discounts and first hand info on special offers or giveaways.
Feel free to share your own knowledge on the subject, comments will be edited and added into future posting on this same topic.

Tags: facebook, Fashion business, social media, twitter