On your marks…
Get set…
Race for Change!!
UK based charity Path to Possibilities (P2P) is back with yet another race event for your calendar following on from the very successful Race for Change event in 2011. So get ready to chuck out those shoes and check in those trainers on Saturday June 30th at the stunning grounds of Trent Park, North London from 11am for a chance to compete with the current face of the event, renowned comedian; Eddie Kadi.
“We are currently looking for fun loving, active and fit members of the public who would like to join our race and challenge Eddie while at the same time contributing to bringing about change in the lives of our children” stated Lola Bello, founder of the charity.
“We aim to have up to 100 runners at the event and hope the public will see this as a fun way to get fit while also fundraising and transforming lives. There’ll also be music and food for the runners!” She also added.
Path to Possibilities are passionately committed to transforming the lives of disadvantaged young children in Nigeria as well as campaigning to improve the current education system and
share best practise teaching with schools.
“Funds raised from this event will contribute towards paying for school fees, accommodation costs for boarding school and general living expenses of our children” highlighted Lola.
To take part, fill out our registration form found on our website www.pathtopossibilities.co.uk and send this together with our £10 fee to the address provided on our website or alternatively email us the registration form at [email protected] and pay the fee through our just giving account.
So join in the fun, race for change and transform lives while supporting education.
Our website: www.pathtopossibilites.co.uk
Twitter: @P2P_Nigeria
Facebook Page; Path to Possibilities
Email: [email protected]
Press: [email protected]

Tags: Charity, Nigeria, Race for change