As extracted from the press release describing the pre-A/W collection, the designer said; “When I was thinking of the ‘I AM WOMAN’ Collection I thought: ‘”sorority girl meets women’s prison, Grunge Chic, Metals and Wires, Power, Life Struggles, etc etc” in the light of these, one woman to my mind: BIANCA JAGGER.” The ‘I AM WOMAN’ collection describes Bianca’s lifestyle from her early days. She was termed a ‘wild’ one who ran Studio54 and dared to do anything within and outside the realm of conventional. This is a woman arrived at a nightclub on a white horse just because it was her birthday. . . Today, she has blossomed into a great woman with several awards sitting on her shelf, mostly for her humanitarian deeds and exceptional works on defending the rights of women. On the runway, the full collection, which is a continuation to the pre-A/W collection, the designer sought to express how amazing a woman’s life can be. Watching the looks on the catwalk, the first looks come with masked faces, then as we go on, the faces are bare and the looks get stronger, sexier and more confident. This is the description of “The Wana Sambo Woman’s” time on earth until she grows into the woman she is most comfortable being. The Wana Sambo woman is born unaware of who she is and as she grows older, she experiments with her style until she settles and becomes the woman she is destined to be; Strong, Sexy and Exotic… The Wana Sambo Woman.

Tags: Glitz Africa, Wana Sambo